Nano Silymarin OIC (60 capsules)

660.000 vnđ

Silymarin is a compound of the flavonoid type extracted from the seeds or from the fruit of the milk thistle tree, has a scientific name called Silybum marianum belonging to the family Compositae.


Western medicine has used Silymarin for quite a long time and is used with dry high form of liver toxicity (including chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis). The chemical structure of Silymarin has been determined by Western scientists in the 1960s, including three main substances: silibinin, silydianine and silychristine.

Usage and dosage


- Antioxidant

- Enhance the detoxifying function of the liver

- Stimulates the regeneration of liver cells

- Enhance the immune response

- Protect liver cells from damage caused by toxins such as alcohol, drugs that are toxic to the liver (antibiotics, cigarettes, chemicals ...)


People suffered for hepatitis

People have high liver enzymes, fatty liver, cirrhosis

People with impaired liver function with manifestations: jaundice, allergies, itching, urticaria

Silymarin is an antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals: As a flavonoid, Silymarin can neutralize free radicals (such as lipoperoxid) that are produced when the liver is inflamed and damaged.

Silymarin helps to stabilize the liver cell membrane and prevent external toxins from infecting the liver cells: This is the mechanism of liver detoxification of Silymarin. In many studies using mouse models, Silymarin has the effect of protecting liver tissue from toxicity caused by toxic substances in the liver such as paracetamol, alcohol, CCl4 ...

Silymarin enhances ribosomal RNA synthesis, which helps in protein synthesis to promote the repair of damaged liver cells and stimulates the growth of new liver cells.

Silymarin inhibits the liver's transformation into a fibrous organization, reducing the formation of collagen fibers that lead to cirrhosis.

The current human dose of Silymarin is considered safe. Possible side effects, when administered to humans, are rare: gastrointestinal disturbances (mild laxatives), especially very rare: rash, difficulty breathing.