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The pace at which the world is advancing in terms of technology, medical science and connectivity is astounding. But at the same time another unwanted arena that is expanding is that of infectious and viral diseases. Every year we get to hear of the spread of some life-threatening virus and how scientists are putting in all efforts to develop a vaccine against it. One such virus that was identified quite some time back, 1981 perhaps, was HIV- the virus responsible for AIDS. This article covers details as to how turmeric, as an anti-viral or palliative measure in case of HIV infection or AIDS.


What is HIV?


HIV is human immunodeficiency virus and as the name suggests it makes your immune system deficient or curbs its normal function. The immune cells that it attacks go by the name T helper cells and by attacking them it thrives and replicates within the body. By attacking the immune cells, it reduces your ability to maintain health and fight infections. Eventually this makes the person highly susceptible to all infections and diseases, even cancer. This late stage of HIV infection is known as AIDS- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.


There are two main types of HIV- HIV 1 and HIV 2. HIV infection spreads via biological fluids like blood, semen, breast milk etc. However HIV cannot be transmitted by sweat, urine or saliva. Modes of transmission include sexual contact, contact with syringe or blood collection equipment, infected blood transfusion, mother to child during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.


It takes about 2 to 15 years for HIV to manifest into AIDS. There is no cure for HIV but adequate treatment can help people live with the infection. Antiretroviral drugs (retrovirus is the name of the group of virus to which HIV belongs) and pre-exposure prophylaxis for those who are at a high risk of acquiring the infection are the common modes of treatment. One has to deal with side effects of this treatment. It is said that in today’s era if an individual with HIV receives appropriate and timely treatment, then he can live as long as an individual without HIV.


What are the symptoms and complications of HIV?


Initial symptoms of HIV include Fever, Headache and body ache, Sore throat, Rashes, Swollen lymph nodes, Diarrhoea, Oral fungal infections. When the infection progresses to AIDS, some of these symptoms occurs Recurrent fever, Chronic diarrhoea, Persistent white spots or lesions on mouth and tongues, Unexplained weight loss and fatigue. Complications with AIDS include: Neuropsychiatric: central nervous system lymphoma, psychiatric disorders, Cardiovascular: atherosclerosis, endocarditis, Pulmonary: COPD, lung cancer, Gastrointestinal: Cancer and hepatitis, Renal: Chronic kidney disease, Others: Musculoskeletal disorders, Kaposi’s sarcoma.


How can turmeric help in HIV infection?


The idea behind explaining the overview, symptoms and complications of HIV infection is to make you aware that this disease can affect almost every system in the body and interestingly turmeric and curcumin’s therapeutic efficacy with respect to most of these system disorders is proven. Curcumin’s anti-HIV property is established and apart from that it can have multiple modes of dealing with the infection or side effects of the HIV treatment.


1. Antimicrobial & Antiviral property of curcumin


A review study mentions that turmeric is a strong anti microbial agent- it can combat bacterial, fungal and viral infections and this is of extreme value to HIV infection (since the immune system collapses it makes you vulnerable to a number of infections). Curcumin has anti-viral properties but research proves that it has specific anti-HIV property. It does so by:

  • Inhibiting the activity of enzymes that make HIV infectious

  • Inhibits the activity of TAT protein which is essential for production of viral genes

  • Inhibits the activity of other enzymes that are required for virus replication

  • Induces the activity of enzyme HO-1 which inhibits replication of HIV-1


Curcumin is one of the natural lead compounds recommended for treatment of HIV infection. A group of enzymes called histone acetyltransferases are essential for regulating viral genes.


Indian researchers have reported that curcumin can inhibit the activity of these enzymes and this finding suggests that ‘non-toxic curcumin may serve as a lead compound in combinatorial HIV therapeutics.’ Curcumin nanoparticles are highly absorbed by the cells and hence found to be extremely effective in inhibiting HIV-1 replication. Findings of an old research paper show that individuals with HIV infection given around 2.5g of curcumin with or without anti-viral drugs experienced a slow decrease in viral activity and improvement in T cell count.


What does this mean?


Turmeric’s potent anti-microbial property can protect against various infections to which one is susceptible due to impaired immune responses during HIV infection.
Curcumin has broad spectrum anti-viral properties. Additionally a lot of research work has proven that curcumin can specifically inhibit the replication of HIV by multiple ways and is thought of as a potential natural compound against HIV.


2. Immunomodulating property of curcumin


Curcumin is one of the plant derived immunomodulators which has potent effect on immune system. It has immunostimulant as well as immunosuppressant property. Curcumin influences the immune system by modulating the activity of immune cells, lowering the production of inflammatory chemicals and inactivating nuclear factor-kappaB, the main protein involved in inflammation.


However this effect is dose dependant, at low doses it can boost immune function. For example, Zhao et al demonstrate that curcumin can suppress the activity of T cells and this could be of use in conditions like tumor and sepsis. Other researchers have shown that curcumin can boost T cell mediated toxicity and these findings are of relevance to immunotherapy. Researchers suggest that this activity of curcumin can boost the activity of anti-retroviral drugs and also reduce their side effects. Riva et al that indeed curcumin ,as an immunomodulator, can improve the activity of anti-retroviral drug and reduce HIV-1 production in infected cells.


What does this mean?


Curcumin’s ability to influence immune responses is of relevance to HIV treatment. It can boost immune function, propel the activity of anti-HIV drugs and also reduce the side effects.


3. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant agent- Curcumin


Two of the most vital properties of turmeric that make it one of the best natural therapeutic agents are: anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Curcuminoids are strong antioxidants and their antioxidant activity is comparable to that of Vitamin E & C. They raise the levels of antioxidant enzymes and reduce oxidative stress which is a marker of most diseases. A study demonstrated that water soluble extract tumerin, by virtue of its antioxidant property, in combination with anti-retroviral drug or alone reduced proliferation of infected cells, reduced T-cell infection and increased viability of cells.


Curcumin demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals, elevating anti-inflammatory molecules, inhibiting the activity of vital proteins that control inflammation. This activity of curcumin can help deal with recurrent fever, body ache, joint pain occurring in HIV infection all of which are signs of inflammation.


What does this mean?


The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property of turmeric reduces oxidative stress and inflammation occurring in HIV infection which can be effective in lowering fever and malaise.


4. Gastroprotective action of turmeric


Turmeric has been used as a herbal remedy in treating digestive disorders since ancient times. Weakened immunity and heavy use of antibiotics paves way for gastric discomfort and increase stomach acidity. Other symptoms such as bloating, vomiting, diarrhoea are common in other digestive disorders and turmeric’s therapeutic effect has been proven against gastric disorders presenting such symptoms.


One of the most important properties of turmeric is its anti-ulcerogenic effect. Curcumin utilises its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to reduce and repair gastric ulcers. Animal study shows that turmeric essential oil can inhibit ulcer formation. Turmeric extract have been proven to reduce dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome in a relatively short period of time. Animal study reports that curcumin can reduce depression induced gastric disorders.


But these are studies reflecting an indirect application of turmeric in digestive disorders occurring in HIV infection. Conteas et al conducted a study wherein they examined the effect of curcumin on HIV associated diarrhea. The dose was around 1862mg of curcumin a day and follow up was around for 41 weeks. Bowel movement was normalized within 13 days. Seven out of 8 patients gained weight on curcumin (around 10 pounds) and abdominal pain and bloating was reduced in most patients. Besides curcumin did not have any drug interactions with the anti-retroviral therapy.


What does this mean?


Curcumin can offer gastroprotective protection against HIV infection or anti-retroviral therapy induced gastric discomfort.


5. Cardioprotective property of curcumin


HIV infection if left untreated can affect the heart and vascular system. Heart related complications of HIV include atherosclerosis and endocarditis. Curcumin has cardioprotective property. By means of its antioxidant properties, it can reduce the damage caused by harmful reactive oxygen species to the heart tissue. Turmeric extract relaxes blood vessels that are affected by high cholesterol levels.


Ritonavir, an anti-retroviral drug, causes cardiovascular complications. An animal study demonstrated that ritonavir administration impaired vascular function (ability of arteries to transport blood at proper flow and pressure) and when curcumin was administered with it, curcumin effectively blocked these changes.


What does this mean?


Curcumin offers cardioprotection and research shows that curcumin can ameliorate anti-retroviral therapy induced cardiovascular complications.


8. Neuroprotective effect of curcumin


Prior to anti-retroviral therapy, neurological disorders were the first to manifest as symptoms of HIV infection affecting 10-20% of patients and 60% of the patients with AIDS. HIV virus proteins stimulate inflammatory cells in the nervous system and thereby lead to uncontrolled inflammation, loss of brain cells and damage to the nervous system.


Curcumin offers neuroprotection and this is of relevance to many neurodegenerative diseases. One such HIV viral protein is gp120 which causes apoptosis (cell death) of brain cells and results in nervous system damage. Several studies demonstrate that by virtue of its antioxidant effect, curcumin can prevent such brain damage. Chronic infection and long term treatment can lead to depression and curcumin is proven as an effective stand alone or combinatory anti-depressant.


What does this mean?


Research proves that curcumin can protect against HIV induced nervous system damage and also help in case of neuropsychiatric problems.


9. Curcumin’s Chemopreventive action


HIV infected individuals at later stages of the disease are prone to developing Kaposi’s sarcoma (tumor of blood vessels) and lymphoma (cancer of white blood cells). After its anti-inflammatory property, the other pharmacological property of curcumin that is given a lot of importance on the scientific scale is its anti-cancer property.


Several researchers have documented curcumin’s chemopreventive potential- it can prevent or delay development of cancer. It manipulates a number of biochemical pathways and genes to kill cancer cells and prevent them from proliferating.


What does this mean?


Some individuals tend to develop cancer at late stages of AIDS/ HIV infection. Curcumin exerts anti-cancer and cancer preventive effects which could help.


10. Curcumin as a Contraceptive


Turmeric is helpful in preventing and treating Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs). Disruption of cells lining the female genital tract is one of the ways by which HIV infection enters the body. A lab study shows that pretreatment of genital mucosal cells with curcumin can protect from HIV infection and inflammation.


Researchers at University of California, San Diego have found that curcumin can serve as a novel intravaginal contraceptive due to its ability to immobilize sperm and prevent HIV infection. Other studies also point towards the same findings and suggest that curcumin can be ideal novel contraceptive due to its broad spectrum anti-microbial activity, lack of side effects and anti-inflammatory activity.


What does this mean?


Turmeric and curcumin can prevent transmission of STDs due to their microbicidal, anti-inflammatory and contraceptive properties. These findings warrant further research and still need to be developed for clinical purpose.




Since there is a lack of clinical trials with regards to turmeric’s clinical efficacy in HIV/AIDS, there is no such recommended dosage. However based on two relevant studies, the dose would be somewhere around 1.8g-2.5g of curcumin. Recommended dose for general conditions is 400-600 mg of standardized curcumin powder thrice a day.


Turmeric in diet is safe but in case of HIV infection, the condition is quite chronic and might require curcumin supplement therapy. If using turmeric in diet be sure to include black pepper or fats to increase the absorption of curcumin in the body.




Before taking curcumin supplements for HIV/AIDS consult a health physician to ascertain the dose and consider any other possible implications of the therapy. A few conditions in which turmeric supplements are to be avoided are Pregnancy and lactation, Prior to surgery, If taking blood thinning medications, In case of gall bladder problems, If taking anti-diabetes medications, stomach acid lowering drugs.




A few proven reasons why curcumin could work well as anti-HIV drug is its ability to terminate the infection and influence immune responses. Additionally both turmeric and curcumin have a number of pharmacological properties which could benefit those suffering from HIV infection. This area definitely requires some worthwhile clinical trials. No harm in incorporating turmeric in your diet. If planning on taking curcumin supplements, please consult a doctor.


Source: https://www.turmericforhealth.com/turmeric-benefits/10-therapeutic-properties-of-turmeric-that-can-fight-hivaids

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