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Elevated liver enzymes may indicate inflammation or damage to cells in the liver. Inflamed or injured liver cells leak higher than normal amounts of certain chemicals, including liver enzymes, into the bloodstream, which can result in elevated liver enzymes on blood tests.


The specific elevated liver enzymes most commonly found are:

  • Alanine transaminase (ALT)
  • Aspartate transaminase (AST)


Elevated liver enzymes may be discovered during routine blood testing. In most cases, liver enzyme levels are only mildly and temporarily elevated. Most of the time, elevated liver enzymes don't signal a chronic, serious liver problem.




Many diseases and conditions can contribute to elevated liver enzymes. Your doctor determines the specific cause of your elevated liver enzymes by reviewing your medications, your signs and symptoms and, in some cases, other tests and procedures.


More common causes of elevated liver enzymes include certain prescription medications, including statin drugs used to control cholesterol, drinking alcohol, heart failure, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Obesity, Over-the-counter pain medications, particularly acetaminophen (Tylenol, others).


Other causes of elevated liver enzymes may include Alcoholic hepatitis (severe liver inflammation caused by excessive alcohol consumption), Autoimmune hepatitis (liver inflammation caused by an autoimmune disorder), Celiac disease (small intestine damage caused by gluten), Cirrhosis (early stages of liver scarring), Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, Dermatomyositis (inflammatory disease that causes muscle weakness and skin rash), Epstein-Barr virus, Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), Hiatal hernia, Hemochromatosis (too much iron stored in your body), Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), Liver cancer, Mononucleosis, Pancreatitis (pancreas inflammation), Polymyositis (inflammatory disease that causes muscle weakness), Toxic hepatitis (liver inflammation caused by drugs or toxins), Wilson's disease (too much copper stored in your body).


Tips to lower elevated liver enzymes


A healthy diet can work wonders on the liver, just like how a bad diet can harm it. When we consume fatty foods and alcohol, these get processed in the liver, making it work harder. When we eat liver-friendly foods, the liver doesn’t have to work as hard and can continue to keep us healthy.


If you want a healthy liver and want to reduce elevated liver enzymes, cut down on your alcohol intake, or eliminate it completely. Stay away from processed, fatty, and sugary food items as these weigh heavily on the liver. Red meat, spices, and oil should also be limited, as these, too, can impact the liver negatively.


You can also adjust your diet to help lower your liver enzymes. Make sure you drink enough water. Below is a list of foods you should incorporate into your diet in order to lower elevated liver enzymes.

  • Foods high in antioxidants
  • Foods high in fiber
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Cruciferous vegetables


Avoid foods that can harm your liver. Instead, opt for fruits and vegetables and lean sources of protein. Eating healthy can help lower elevated liver enzymes and protect your liver in the long run.


Source: http://www.belmarrahealth.com/elevated-liver-enzymes-causes-symptoms-treatment/

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