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Sáng Tạo Việt (VietCreative) - a TV program about innovative science and technology on VTV3 - Vietnam Television where people from all over the country contributes innovations, inventions and technological solutions, creating new resources for socio-economic development. The program is widely launched and implemented in the form of a television game show for all audiences, especially young people, is the driving force to promote the research, innovation and development of science and technology from individuals and organizations in any corner of the country, at the same time supporting and connecting inventors with the business community in the country and foreign businesses.


To solidify the role of the company's scientific research in the past years and receive the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the Vietnam Innovation Program - Vietnam Television, Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company has joined the Vietnam Innovation program as inventors, owners of technology solutions, scientific and technological products with high applicability.


Doctor. Luu Hai Minh, chairman of the board of directors, one of the three invention authors brought new, topical, scientific and applicable inventions to the program entitled “Process preparation of Nano Curcumin micro-emulsion system ”. More specifically, the Liquid Nano Curcumin OIC (LNCO) specializes in supporting the treatment of diseases of the stomach, colon, and high liver enzymes for postpartum women... The product is brought to the recording session. The program is the result of the passion, diligence of research and creativity of scientists and corporate research groups.


The invention has won a lot of love from the jury, the audience and impressed other competitors. Besides, the comments of competing teams with the author of the invention not only showed the research passion of the teams but also helped the inventors to have more ideas, solutions to further improve their technology products.


Through the VietCreative, the inventors and teams participating in the program have left many marks and memories at the studio.


Some pictures at the studio:


Picture 1: Doctor. Luu Hai Minh presenting the invention 

Picture 2: Participating team commenting on each other's products to help complete it 

Picture 3: Doctor. Luu Hai Minh, Chairman of OIC New on the stage 

Picture 4: Participating teams in Sáng Tạo Việt

Liquid Nano Curcumin OIC is available in large pharmacies in Vietnam. Please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 1900636913 or access DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS to receive information of the nearest pharmacy.

The product is not a medicine and cannot replace medicines

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